Film Brief: The Menu

Yes, it was delicious. Even delectable.

There was a moment or two of hokeyness or hackneyed-ness, especially in the early going set-up period — but you know what, that just adds to the fun. The Menu may have been the most pure fun movie of 2022. Jeannette Catsoulis,  Times:

Whisking splashes of horror into culinary comedy (“Don’t touch the protein, it’s immature,” admonishes the forbidding hostess during a smokehouse tour), “The Menu” is black, broad and sometimes clumsy, attacking its issues more often with cleaver than paring knife. Yet everyone is having such a good time, it’s impossible not to join them.

Whimsical murderous mayhem! A high 8/10

Comparison Notes: The Menu was such an engaging movie that at no time watching it did I think of another movie. Not one. But now writing about it 14 months later, I’m reminded of Oliver Stone’s great frenzied romp Natural Born Killers.

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