Film Brief: The Green Knight


Or, put another way, my contemporaneous notes:


You know when you’re watching a movie that’s slow to start moving (i.e., the worst kind of movie), and, then, just when you think it’s about to start picking up, it just continues to peter out instead? Think Tom Papa: I have.

I had my reservations when I saw the trailer and I was like, well, the Green Knight character is some sort of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy rip-off, but hey, it’s getting good reviews, so I’ll give it a shot. The Times was absolutely in love with Dev Patel’s exceptionally monotonic and uninspired performance, which is, admittedly, well suited to this uninspired film.

I’ve said more than I wanted to about this one. 3/10

Comparison Notes: Mother!, The Last Temptation of Christ, The Princess Bride, Noah, The Revenant